California Fish & Game Commission Votes Unanimously to Consider Statewide Ban on Wildlife Killing Contests

Coyote Kill

February 5, 2014 – Sacramento, CA – The California Fish & Game Commission voted unanimously 4 to 0 to consider a statewide ban on wildlife killing contests at the request of Project Coyote. After Project Coyote representatives made the case for a ban, newly elected Commission Vice President Jack Baylis put forth the motion to move forward on a formal rule making process to consider prohibiting wildlife-killing contests statewide. Speaking in favor of the motion Commission President Michael Sutton stated, “I’ve been concerned about these killing contests for some time. They seem inconsistent both with ethical standards of hunting and our current understanding of the important role predators play in ecosystems.”

We wish to commend Michael Sutton, Vice-President of the Pacific Flyway with Audubon California, for setting an example, hopefully to be followed by other states across the country.

You can read the full press release here and sign their petition here.

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